  • 期刊


日語學習者的自我認同-探討台灣人就業女性學習者的個案研究-|Identity for Japanese Language Learning: Case Study of Taiwanese Working Female Learners




本稿以台灣三名50、60歲就業女性日語學習者為對象,透過生命故事敘說法,從身份認同、投資、消費作為休閒活動的角度,分析了她們與日語學習的關係。研究結果發現,對於這三位50多歲、60多歲女性來說,學習日語在「日語使用者的理想自我」、「懂日語的理想自我」與「不想忘記日語的自我」三方面作為長期投資意義重大。此外,調查對象們的日語學習是以語言習得為目的,不為快樂的休閒活動或娛樂服務的消費。由此,學習日語可說是他們一項具有較大投資的休閒活動。|In this paper, the author conducted a life story interview with three working female Japanese language learners in their 50s and 60s in Taiwan, and analyzed their relationship with Japanese language learning from the perspectives of social identity, investment, and consumption as leisure activities. As a result, it was found that learning Japanese has a large long-term investment aspect in "the ideal self of as a Japanese user," "the ideal self who understands Japanese," and "the self who does not want to forget Japanese." In addition, the Japanese language learning of the survey collaborators was aimed at language acquisition, and there was no aspect of joyful leisure activities or consumption of fun services. From this, it can be said that it is a leisure activity with a large investment aspect.


台灣行政院性別平等處(2022) 2022 年性別圖像 https://gec.ey.gov.tw/Page/8996A23EDB9871BE (2022/07/19 閲覧)
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