  • 期刊


Kafka's Double Fiction in De Kafka à Kafka




虛構 書寫 差異 重複 共謀


Fiction has become one of the key concepts in contemporary French philosophy. It is considered the boundary of thought, which makes the act of thinking recommenceable and infinite, because fiction has no origin and any discourse starting from it would end up in an endless exercise. This article attempts to demonstrate how fiction creates this circle of endless thoughts. Taking Maurice Blanchot's work De Kafka à Kafka as point of departure, it establishes an accomplice between writing and fiction. The article has three major parts. Part I explores the singularity of this book as a way of thinking about fictional writing. Part II explains how Blanchot realizes the possibilities of Kafka's fiction by enacting them in his book. Part III dicusses the double fiction of Kafka and Blanchot in order to argue for the indispensability of and causality between fantasy of imaginative author and that of imaginative work. Through Blanchot's De Kafka à Kafka, this article points to fiction as an indefinite assemblage of imaginative forces in an incessant "thinking, doubting" movement.


fiction writing difference repetition complicity


Blanchot, Maurice. Comment la littérature est-elle possible? Paris: José Corti, 1942.
Blanchot, Maurice. La Part du feu. Paris: Gallimard, 1949.
Blanchot, Maurice. Thomas l'Obscur. Paris: Gallimard, 1941.
Magny, Claude-Edmonde. Les sandales d'Empédocle. Neuchâtel: Editions de la Baconnière, 1945.
Blanchot, Maurice(1971).L'Amitié.Paris:Gallimard.
