  • 期刊

斷裂與持恆 精神分析化政治或政治化精神分析?

Rupture and Consistency-Psychoanalyzing Politics or Politicizing Psychoanalysis?


在1999年發行的《神經質主體》("The Ticklish Subject")中,紀傑克指出巴迪烏對精神分析的批判忽略了死亡驅力的激進性。然而,在幾年前一場與巴迪烏的辯論,紀傑克被與會人士問及現今是否仍抱持與當初相同的批判,他一反常態地回應:「我當時略帶疑問地說服我自已精神分析的過程即具政治性,甚至認為所有政治活動與分析過程能相互對應……我現在已放棄此觀點。我已不認為精神分析的結論⋯⋯能作為政治實踐的一種真正的形式」("Philosophy" 102-03)。紀傑克的告解不僅促使我們重審精神分析與政治之間的關係,其自我批判似乎也暗示著巴迪烏在《主體理論》("Theory of the Subject")中對精神分析的批判具相當程度的正當性。本文以此為起點,探討紀傑克早期對巴迪烏批判的洞見與不見,並透過兩者對主體看法的歧異,解釋精神分析與政治的關係中形構性(constitutive)與對應性(correlative)的差別所產生出不同的政治與倫理意涵。本文結論指出,精神分析對政治主體的建/解構仍具相當的啟發,但若要尋求更進一步的發展,精神分析必須超越對否定性(negativity)的執念,發展一種能在本體論層次接受匱乏的立論,也能在現象層次發展主體過程,闡述、展演並組織匱乏所帶來的效應。


In "The Ticklish Subject", published in 1999, Žižek took issue with Badiou's criticism of psychoanalysis as providing an insufficient mode of inquiry into political practice. Years later, when confronted with a question whether he still subscribed to his earlier appraisal of Badiou's work, Žižek reversed his position: "I told myself with doubts that this [analytic] process is political, even that any political activity correlates with it. I've now abandoned that. I don't believe any more that the conclusion of psychoanalysis is...the authentic form of political engagement" ("Philosophy" 102-03). The present study examines the debate between Žižek and Badiou, and identifies how the relationship between psychoanalysis and politics is configured in their writings-whereas Badiou conceives of their relationship as constitutive but not equivalent, Žižek, at least in his early writings, tends to overemphasize this constitutive relationship and suggests a relation of correlation. In the conclusion, I argue that in order for psychoanalysis to remain a valid partner in the conversation about politics, attention needs to be paid as much to the moment of rupture as to the question of consistency that involves not just a parallax view into the ontological incompleteness of the Other but also a sustained investigation into the post-evental consequences, especially questions concerning organization and duration.


Zizek Badiou the subject psychoanalysis and politics


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