  • 期刊

如何延遲世界末日? 經《一座島嶼的可能性》窺看《風暴之書》與《西夏旅館》中的後人類視域及重返生命之途

How to Delay the End of the World? -Posthumanist Vision and Re-connection with Life in Cyclonopedia and Hotel Western Xia via The Possibility of an Island




In Houellebecq’s most recent novel The Possibility of an Island, he once again plays with his ambivalence toward life by exposing the futility of love/ sex and for that matter death, thereby adumbrating a prolonged doomsday through a dystopic rendering of the cult of technology. But two other novels, Cyclonopedia by Reza Negarestani, an Iranian American writer, and Hotel Western Xia by Yi-jun Luo, a Taiwanese writer, help modify this vision by laying bare what is lacking in its foundation: an impossibility to feel the Real (as defined by Lacan) or Life (as defined by Deleuze). Apocalyptical though they both seem, these two novels present dark visions with hints of potential redemption. In approximating the doomsday prophecy even further because of their having had direct contact with the Real or Life, that raw force which underlies human existence, they both have arrived at the realization of the need to re-negotiate the Symbolic and the Real, the human and the nonhuman. Only an active engagement with the Real or Life can lead us away from a thorough nihilism or for that matter complete destruction of the world we have been living in, imperfect as it is.


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張耀仁。〈重複的自己:讀駱以軍《西夏旅館》〉。2009 年9 月14 日。網路。2009 年10 月12 日
Lacan, Jacques. “Proposition of 9 October 1967 on the Psychoanalyst of the School.” Trans. Russell Grigg. Unknown. Web. 12 Aug. 2013
Lambeth Warp. “Lovecraft, Cyclonopedia and Materialist Horror.” 5 May 2011. Web. 23 Nov. 2011
Larval Subjects. “Lacan and Deleuze: A Pet Peeve.” 22 May 2006. Web. 23 Dec. 2006
