  • 期刊


A Two-Way Reading/Analysis of Munro's "Runaway" and Lacan's Seminar XX




Alice Munro's "long" short story "Runaway" and Lacan's Seminar XX (and Television) both delve into the two great liberation movements that began in the latter half of the last century and are now still underway-the youth movement and the feminist movement-as well as the discourses on knowledge and human relations these movements give rise to. These texts give expression to these authors' observations and responses in the form of what Lacan calls "lalangue," a mixture of language and affect, which relates to feminine jouissance and which thus poses a radical challenge to language and logocentrism. In addition, the reader's own predicament consequent upon the two liberation movements adds to the difficulty. The predicament is a twofold one. On the one hand, there is the daunting challenge to separation and the formation of subjectivity subsequent to the anti-repressive idealism and the weakening of authority brought about by the two movements, plus consumer capitalism. On the other, (phallic) subjectivity, along with its narcissistic love, is becoming invalid. By resorting to a two-way reading/analysis of Munro's "Runaway" and Lacan's Seminar XX, the present article attempts to tackle the compulsively repetitive reading entailed by these two difficult texts. This attempt leads to lalangue's enigmatic vision: it is only by toning down the dominant discourse prescribing the ego's domination over the unconscious and the object, via the encounter between subjects with their respective enigmatic unconscious knowledges, that "real"/authentic liberation and non-narcissistic love may have chances of realization.


Alice Munro Lacan Freud sexuation the unconscious love knowledge affect feminism


The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. Ed. William Morris. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
Freud, Sigmund. The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud. Ed. James Strachey et al. 24 vols. London: Hogarth, 1953-74. [S.E.]
Freud, Sigmund. “Beyond the Pleasure Principle.” 1920. S.E. Vol. XVIII: 1-60.
Freud, Sigmund. “The Economic Problem of Masochism.” 1924. S.E. Vol. XIX: 159-72.
Freud, Sigmund. “New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-analysis, Lecture XXXIII, Femininity.” 1933 [1932]. S.E. Vol. XXII: 112-35.
