  • 期刊


An Analysis of the Evolving Functionalism and Social Qualities of Zu Wu in Translation




組屋 改寫 社會屬性 目的論 功能理論


In Singapore's multicultural context, the practice of translation and social factors are interrelated and interpenetrated, promoting multicultural and multilingual interactions. With the rise of Socio-translation studies, translation is able to perform specific functions in a particular social context and influences the development of the society to a substantial extent. Relatively, a society's economic, political, and cultural development can cause pressure and influence translation activities in terms of concepts, contents and styles. Therefore, the practice of translation and social factors can either complement or restrict each other during interaction. Zu Wu, the public housing in Singapore managed by the Housing and Development Board (HDB), is a unique representative of Chinese vocabulary within Singapore's social context. Although it has close ties with members of the society, there is limited level of sensitivity and understanding of this term. The term "Zu Wu" has played an important role in Singapore's Public Housing History. The evolving social functions of "Zu Wu" reflect specific social phenomena and values during different developmental stages of the national building and the Public Housing policy-making process in Singapore's society, and this paper argues that this term is also a form of rewriting produced by Singapore's ideological and political constraints within its social context.


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