  • 期刊


Immanent Exception: The Political Subject as a Generic Procedure




The contemporary philosophical movements, Badiou contends, are so strenuously dedicated to multiple multiplicity and the multiplicity of language that they replace the concept of truth with the concept of multiple meaning. As a result, philosophy is reduced to the thinking of language. Badiou urges transforming this phenomenon. Conceptualizing a new theory of subject, Badiou does not embrace the contention in the traditional sense that tends to regard the subject as the essential entity. Meanwhile, he does not support the fact that traditional philosophy regards the subject as an illusion to further critique or eliminate. Instead, Badiou stresses the mobility of the subject, that is, the subject appearing after a series of procedures. The major task for Badiou's theory of the subject strives to explain how the emergence of the subject, which remains undivided and undistinguished, can actualize the theory of the subject through his mathematical ontology such as multiplebeing, forcing, and empty set. The subject's generic procedure can maintain the mobility of the political subject. In other words, the political subject not only becomes an exception, or a possible recount in the exception, but also renames and re-conceptualizes the original inexistence, thereby debunking the existing situation structure. The political subject is formed as a set through a series of political activities, and constantly situated in the process of becoming without turning to an inert political subject. As such, the subject can neither be named nor coded. Under such a circumstance, the political subject can prevent itself from falling into the totalitarianism or becoming a proper name without mobility. In other words, the subject will not lose its political mobility even when it is codified to belong to a particular political party.


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