  • 期刊


Is There a Dan of Ping Opera in the Text?




The paper will be divided into three major parts. The first part starts with the doomsday allegory of "the Dan of the Ping Opera" to demonstrate how the Dan character could oscillate ambiguously between "the deserted wife" and "the promiscuous widow" as two distinct (oppo-)postions in patriarchy. The second part attempts to criticize patriarchy as both cultural and linguistic mechanisms. It takes the "invisible fiber" stated by Eileen Chang as the repetitive citationality of classic expressions to foreground how the deferring and differing forces in the writing process of differance can be disclosed from the cover design to the preface of Chuanqi (The Legend). The third part takes Chang's "emotional formula" as an extension of repetitive citationality or iterability to trace the emotional formula of "the deserted wife" from Shih Ching, Baituji to "Love in a Fallen City" to demonstrate how this emotional formula is re-embodied and simultaneously repeated with variations. This feminist reading is not only an exercise of "de-patriarcalization," but is also an attempt to deconstruct the ideological domination of patriarchy as a cultural mechanism and at the same time to destabilize patriarchy as the linguistic mechanism of phallogocentrism.


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