  • 期刊


Rule of the World: Tong Wei-Ger as a Method




童偉格 布朗肖 他人 死亡 書寫 時間


Tong Wei-Ger's work presents a mode of epistemo-ontology and is transfigured into a practice of ethico-aesthetics. "The death of the other," which features an arduous lyric, serves as a double inaccessible origin of his writing. The origin as such makes Tong's oeuvre characteristically metafictional in accordance to contemporary literature, and attempts to write the unwritable and to think the unthinkable. However, another singular characteristic of Tong's work lies in the literary Cogito in his work. It reveals a sense of mourning and thinking emanating from "the death of the other," thereby becoming the existence of the "non-wound." As such, Time, as mobilized in an anarchic manner, becomes the determinable of the Cogito. This explains why the time of the narrative (or the narrative of time) is always broken and bifurcated, which embodies the sensibility of Tong's work.


Tong Wei-Ger Maurice Blanchot other death writing time


比靈斯,李(Billings, Lee)。《五十億年的孤寂》Wushiyi nian de guji [Five Billion Years of Solitude: The Search for Life Among the Stars]。譯:唐澄暐 [Trans. Tang Cheng-Wei]。台北:八旗 [Taipei: Baqi],2017。
童偉格(Tong, Wei-Ger)。《西北雨》Xibei yu [Northwest Rain]。台北:印刻 [Taipei: Ink],2010。縮寫為《西》。
童偉格(Tong, Wei-Ger)。〈字母D〉“Zimu D” [Letter D]。《短篇小說》Duanpian xiaoshuo [Shorts, A Bimonthly] 10 (2013): 239-49。
童偉格(Tong, Wei-Ger)。〈字母F〉“Zimu F” [Letter F]。《字母F》Zimu F [Letter F]。台北:衛城 [Taipei: Acropolis],2017。125-40。
童偉格(Tong, Wei-Ger)。《無傷時代》Wushang shidai [The Unwounded Age]。台北:印刻 [Taipei: Ink],2005。縮寫為《無》。
