  • 期刊


Taming the Beast: Manet's Cats and Natural History




馬內 步豐 襄富樂希 密煦烈 自然史


Edouard Manet, best known for his figure painting of Parisian life under the French Second Empire, also produced a number of animal paintings and studies. Among them, the two illustrations for the realist writer Champfleury's Les chats have been the most frequently exhibited to date. Manet depicted various significant gestures of cats and their surroundings. Around 1880, he painted about thirty cat studies and also integrated techniques from East Asian ink painting. This essay explores how Champfleury argued about feline intelligence, how Manet depicted cats' activities and gestures, and how his cat pictures relate to naturalist descriptions and imagery. The author contends that Manet's cat pictures expand the scope of animal subject matter and thereby cross over conventional boundaries of artistic categories.


Manet Buffon Champfleury Michelet cat natural history


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Impey, Oliver. 1984. “Japanese Export Art of the Edo Period and Its Influence on European Art.” Modern Asian Studies 18.4: 685-97.
Jakobson, Roman, and Claude Lévi-Strauss. 1962. “‘Les chats' de Charles Baudelaire.” L'Homme 2.1: 5-21.
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