  • 期刊


Writing in the Fissures of Signifiers: Feminine Subjectivity between Affect and Language




女性 拉岡 佛洛伊德 主體 意符 符號層 真實 情動 閹割 關係


This paper explores how the problem of women deepens and restructures Lacan's theory of subject and signifier. The feminine subject crosses over both the real and the symbolic and restructures the relation between them. This paper traces back to Freud's theory to find the real basis for Lacan's argument about subjects. Firstly, in the crucial moment of subjective formation, castration has different effects on women and men, which determines their different relations with language and affects and thus makes them different subjects. Secondly, Lacan's theory of signifier is based on Freud's descriptions of identification and unitary trait; differences in identification lead to different relations with the signifier in the two sexes. Lastly, this paper describes how Lacan turns from the signifier to the writing of the real, transforming the fissures of signifiers into an alternative structure for the subjectivity of women. This paper hopes to reveal how the subject, which the system of signifiers seems to be able to fully explain, is actually based on affects and relations that language cannot explain. Situated in the fissures that language has difficulties in explaining, the subjectivity of women radically and thoroughly recreates the symbolic structure.


women Jacques Lacan Sigmund Freud subject signifier the symbolic the real affect castration relation


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