  • 期刊


Symbiosis and Critique: A Molecular Feminist Exploration




With the molecular turn in contemporary technosciences, the emergence of nano-reality and the dynamic flows of matter, energy, information, and life have resulted in a radical transformation of the traditional humanist and anthropocentric worldview. The breach, transversal, and reconstitution of boundaries as well as the non-linear feedback loops of complex systems increasingly complicate the notion of human accountability. This paper engages in such a discursive field from a molecular feminist perspective. First, I foreground the implosion of the Anthropocene and the Virocene, and thereby propose an embodied perspectivism of trans-species diffraction. Second, I discuss Donna Haraway's politics of making kins with her interpretation of Lynn Margulis's symbiogenesis. Third, I examine Luciana Parisi's microfeminist politics with regard to her articulation of Margulis's endosymbiosis. Last, drawing on relevant studies, I outline a living imagery of heterogeneous symbiosis from the perspective of organisms' extended organization and explore the micropolitics of boundaries in complex life connectivities.


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