  • 期刊


The Implicated Subject: An Analysis of Micro-relations and the Regime of the Sensible in The Stolen Bicycle




How are we to respond to the ethical predicament in the present-day political and cultural fields through the concept of "micro-relations"? This paper aims to address this issue from the perspective of politics of aesthetics. Put under this framework, this paper consists of three parts. The first part discusses Jacques Ranciere's propositions on the politics of aesthetics and brings forth the argument that his critique of the ethical turn in contemporary art and politics helps us to see how such critique is founded upon micro-relations. In the second part, I try to show how Michael Rothberg's theory of implication provides the possibility of reconfiguring subjectivity and political solidarity based on micro-relations. In the last part of the paper, by taking The Stolen Bicycle by Taiwanese writer Wu Ming-yi as a theoretical act and examining the novel through the lens of the theoretical framework inspired by Ranciere and Rothberg, I argue that the micro-relations envisioned in the novel enact very intricate connections between the past and the present and how the micro-relations, forged through all the subjects-human and non-human-implicated in such relations, push us to rethink the ethical and political problems underlying the regimes of the sensible.


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