  • 期刊


In the Name of Nation: Knowledge Travel in the Case of Comparative Literature Schools




The notion of "school" in the field of Chinese comparative literature is a product of knowledge travel. Originating from mid-20th-century American academia, the internal debates concerning schools in comparative literature varied widely in name and substance: while nominally the contention pointed to the American school's critical revolt against the French school, its true nature was America's inheritance and development of European comparatism. In the 1970s, when Taiwan comparatists chose to follow the American school, they imported such national school labels into their own knowledge construction and strengthened the dichotomy between the two schools, while simultaneously proposing the concept of "Chinese school." In the 1980s, Mainland Chinese comparatists pushed that dichotomy up to another level, transforming the story of schools into an evolutionary lineage. In the 1990s, the "Chinese school" was then reconceived by Chinese comparatists to symbolize the new relationship between China and the West. The case of "schools" shows the close relationship between comparative literature in Taiwan and Mainland China as well as refracts the complex relationship between (inter)national politics and knowledge production. I contend that the critical study of knowledge construction in the history of comparative literature is itself a special and meaningful kind of comparative literature studies.


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