  • 期刊


The Conceptual Writing of Contemporary Poetry: Taking the Ninth Issue of Poetry Now and the Poetics and Practice of Its Editor Hsia Yu as Examples




There is a conceptual-writing style in Hsia Yu's poetic experiments. If we re-examine Hsia Yu's poems from this perspective, it is obvious that contemporary poetry has already re-imagined writing styles, modes of reading, and stylistic paradigms in an "uncreative" way, pursuing a new kind of art that does not rely on classic expressions but tends to trigger direct feelings and thinking. Hsia Yu's conceptual writing has also influenced Poetry Now, especially as represented by the ninth issue of Cross Out Cross Out Cross Out edited by her. Through this issue, the cross-out poetry is born as a new practice of conceptual writing in Chinese poetry. This book is firstly a general conceptual work created by the editors, and secondly an invitation to potential writer-participants for re-creation. The issue confronts the dilemma of textual abundance in contemporary life, centers on the concept of "subtext," and opens up individual spiritual spaces in existent texts. Most participants show their creativity in the implementation process, seeking the most valuable artistic form for the plan. Unlike the poetic mainstream, the cross-out poetry replaces the concept of "originality" with "making it new," and finds another kind of cultural depth under the impact of the digital age.


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