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Toward Multiple Forms of Realisticity: Continuing and Altering the Realist Aesthetics of the Taiwan New Cinema in Lim Lung-yin's Ohong Village




By reconsidering the realist aesthetics from the Taiwan New Cinema to "post-New Cinema," this article focuses on new-generation Taiwanese filmmaker Lim Lung-yin's Ohong Village (2019), which is shot on 16mm film, and explores how this film both continues and alters the cinematic and aesthetic styles of the Taiwan New Cinema. Drawing on Bazinian realism and the concept of "perceptual realism" proposed by Stephen Prince, this article argues that Ohong Village has inherited the tradition of Bazinian realist aesthetics from the Taiwan New Cinema on the one hand. At the same time, by hybridizing multiple forms of realisticity with the combination of 3D post-production in the configuration of images, the film also embodies the so-called perceptual realism in the age of digital images, and further transforms the original realist aesthetics from the Taiwan New Cinema. Such practice constructs a new route of realist aesthetics with heterogeneity in the "post-New Cinema" era of Taiwan's cinema.


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