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Too Late to Ask Cinema? Let's Ask Video Art Instead! A Preliminary Discussion of the Taiwanese Historiography of Cross-Disciplinary Images




Creating video artworks inspired by film history to provoke its interpretations has been a recent global phenomenon. In the past few years, young Taiwanese artists have also made a foray into the archive of Taiwan cinema. This new artistic practice merits further examination as it has a profound impact on creating cross-disciplinary artworks and generating cross-disciplinary cinematic evaluations. Of all works in the genre, the most noteworthy ones are arguably The Glamorous Boys of Tang (2018), The Women's Revenge (2020), both by artist Hui-yu Su, and Revenge Scenes (2021) by Su and Hsien-yu Cheng. While The Glamorous Boys of Tang is a partial reshoot of Kang-chien Chiu's Tang Dynasty Beautiful Male, The Women's Revenge and Revenge Scenes are inspired by Taiwan's "pulp noir" popular in the 1970s and '80s. The two revenge films also re-appropriate some of the gruesome scenes from The Butcher's Wife (1985), directed by Chuang-hsiang Tseng in the era of "Taiwan New Wave Cinema." The significance of Su's works, exhibited in various film festivals and art museums, lies in their success of transgressing the boundary of two different art forms, and of juxtaposing several unrelated cinematic events to encourage a sweeping revisitation of the historiography of cross-disciplinary images.


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