  • 期刊


Truncated Verses and Generation Variance: Contestation of the Jieju Movement in Taiwan




After the Chinese poet Jiang Yitan created "Jieju" in 2015, Taiwan Poetics Quarterly, led by poet Bai Ling, redefined it as a sub-genre: one to four lines in length; can be new works or truncations from old works. Jieju has been promoted through online literature communities since 2017, which has produced a lot of output in literary production, publication, pedagogy, and research. In just a few years, a new sub-genre has been instituted. As a literature group, the coterie of Taiwan Poetics Quarterly takes advantage of social media and academic resources, including cooperating with United Daily News, editing "The Best Taiwanese Poetry," holding academic seminars, and teaching and researching in higher education. However, lots of problems for jieju are not solved, which resulted in an "anti-jieju" movement by millennial poets. In a different light, this paper attempts to reopen the definition of jieju and clarify the jieju movement, focusing on the creations, comments, and criticisms from the "anti-jieju" camp. Through the discussion, the paper tries to assess the current situation of the jieju movement. After contextualizing and reflecting on the jieju movement, I put forward five suggestions, in order to be of practical help to the development of contemporary poetry.


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