  • 期刊


The Implementation and Evaluation of Chat Robot Application on Virtual Reference Service of University Library


近年來大學圖書館虛擬參考諮詢需求逐年提升,服務人力卻持續縮減,該如何滿足支援人力是一大課題,而隨著聊天機器人技術發展,其他領域開始利用聊天機器人技術提供網路諮詢服務,藉以滿足客服諮詢需求與支援客服人力不足。大學圖書館應可仿效其他領域作法建置虛擬參考諮詢聊天機器人來解決人力不足的問題,因此本研究嘗試建置大學圖書館虛擬參考諮詢服務機器人,並將知識庫建置成果與使用者後續評估分享給圖書館同道參考。本研究歸納虛擬參考諮詢研究問題類型與應答方式,以應答方式設計聊天機器人對話模式,並以問題類型作為建置知識庫標準,故選用78篇大學圖書館參考服務部落格文章內容建立知識庫,產生86組對話問答組與93組詞彙同義詞(134個詞),利用Google DialogFlow平台建立虛擬參考諮詢服務機器人。本研究邀請32位具有圖書資訊背景使用者測試,且在測試過程前後施以使用評估問卷測驗。研究結果顯示互動最頻繁的對話主題為我要找書(搜尋圖書)、開放時間(圖書館開放時間)、預設歡迎詞(聊天機器人自我介紹與使用說明)、自習室座位(總館與各分館自習室座位使用情形)四種圖書館服務為主,其餘則與參考資源主題相關。問卷分析後發現使用者在資訊品質與互動性兩面向評分有極為顯著之提升,系統品質評分則是接近顯著地略微提升。在知覺有用性與知覺易用性兩方面,使用者評分亦有極為顯著之提升,顯示使用者認為虛擬參考諮詢服務機器人具有四項特性:容易上手、可提供有品質的諮詢答案、可回應使用者的需求以及可替使用者減少取用步驟或節省搜尋的時間。然而使用者態度方面評分雖提升但未達顯著,使用者意圖方面評分略為顯著下降,對照使用者意見可知,使用者雖肯定虛擬參考諮詢服務機器人,但使用者推薦意願較低,主要原因是使用者盼望參考提問範圍不限於問答組,並可用自然語言與服務機器人對談聊天。整體而言,聊天機器人技術應用於虛擬參考諮詢服務之可行性極高,大學圖書館可採用聊天機器人技術以提供虛擬參考諮詢服務,但仍須關注自然語言相關輔助技術,以提供使用者最優質的虛擬參考服務。


Many industries have implemented chatbot application for online custom service. Considering the increasing reference consults and the declining manpower, the university library could take chatbot application as a solution. This study focus on the implemetation and evaluation of chatbot on virtual reference service of university libraries. We inducted the virtual reference literature for the dialouge pattern and question types and choose 78 articles of university library reference service blog to generate 86 intents(dialouge pattern) and 93 entities (134 synonyms) for virtual reference service chatbot. After the implementation, 32 users with the background of the library information science were invited for testing. As the result, the most interactive dialogue topic were "my search for books", "opening hours", "pre‐set greetings", "study room seats" and the other library resources. The statistics showed that the scores of information quality and interactivity were significant improvements, while the system quality score was almost significant. In terms of perceptual usefulness and perceived ease of use, two aspects were significantly improved. Users thought virtual reference service chatbot was easy to get starte. It could answer with good quality and could solve to users' needs. Addiotnally, it could save the search time for the user or reduce the access steps. However, the avergage score of user's attitude was improved but not significant, and the avergage score of user's intention was significant lower. The score of Recommendation willingness was low. According to the user feedback, they believed the performance of chatbot. However, they did have more expectation in converating more influently to the chatbot and asking more questions beyoud the reference question template. Overall, the chatrobot application to virtual reference services is extremely feasible. University libraries can use chatbot application to provide virtual reference services and considerate to apply the technology of natural language process in order to solve the information need and raise the satisfaction from users.


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