  • 期刊


Analysis of Diallel Sets of Dent and Flint Maize Inbreds for Combining Ability and Heterosis


本試驗以四個溫帶型馬齒種(Hi25、Oh545、UH-1及Pi77-4257,分別爲代號A、B、C及D)及四個熱帶型硬粒種(ICAL210、Hi28、CM103及CM109,分別爲代號E、F、G及H),計八惆王米自交系爲材料,於民國73年春作,舉行全互交田問試驗,以探討個別玉米自交系之一般組合力,及粒型間雜交組合之特定組合力及雜種優勢,並探討13個農藝性狀與子粒產量間的關係,供育種上選育優良親本及高產雜種級合之參考。 全互交分析結果顯示,8個自交系及其28個F1雜種的子粒產量及除穗徑外的12個農藝性狀,均有極顯著的一般及特定組合力差異。一般組合力均方,除子粒產量外,均大於特定組合力均方。 硬粒種自交系Hi28(代號F)及ICAL210(代號E),在子粒產量及其他農藝性狀,如穗位高、葉面積、穗長、穗徑、每行粒數、百粒重及脫粒率等性狀,均有較高的一般組合力效應,可爲優良雜種親本。 雜種F1子粒產量的特定組合力效應,以Hi25×Hi28(代號A×F)、Oh545×UH-1(代號B×C)及Hi25×ICAL210(代號A×E)等三組合較高。此等高產雜交組合,其穗位高、葉面積、稈徑、穗長、穗徑、子粒行數、每行粒數、子粒深度、百粒重及脫粒率等項之特定組合力效應,亦均較高。高產雜交組合,如A×F(1.87kg/10plants)、B×E(1.84),D×F(1.82)及A×E(1.74)等,均爲馬齒種及硬粒種之組合,顯示兩粒型種源間之組合,較易獲得高產之雜交種,硬粒種同粒型組合,如E×F(1.76kg/10plants)及馬齒種同粒型組合,如B×C(1.76kg/10plants)等,雖亦可獲致高產組合,但爲數較少。 馬齒種及硬粒種兩粒型種源,就組合力效應,進行比較,可發現硬粒種自交系有較佳的一般組合力效應,即晚熟而株型高大。馬齒種自交系,雖早熟而株型稍小,各性狀一般組合力效應較低,但馬齒種同粒型組合,却有較硬粒種同粒烈組合爲高的葉面積、稈徑、穗長、子粒行數、每行粗敗、子粒深度及脫粒率等特定組合力效應。而兩型玉米雜交的異粒型雜種組合,雖營養生長及植株性狀多數趨近於兩同粒型組合之中間值,但却明顯有較優異之株高、穗位高、稈徑、穗長、穗徑、每行粒數、子粒深度、百粒重及子粒產量等特定組合力效應,以及表現於高百粒重之雜種優勢存在。換言之,硬粒種玉米自交系具有較佳之一般組合力效應,而馬齒種玉米則具有較佳之特定組合力效應。 子粒產量除與開花期及吐絲期成極顯著負相關外,與其他農藝性狀間,均有極顯著的正相關,表示雜種的子粒產量與植株大小、葉面積、穗長、穗徑、每行粒數、子粒深度、百粒重及脫粒率等性狀有密切關係。其中依次以穗徑(r=0.792)、每行粒數(r=0.747)、百粒重(r=0.764)、穗長(r=0.663)、株高(r=0.660)及子粒深度(r=0.640)等之相關係數爲高。




Each of four U. S. dent (Hi25, Oh545 , UH-1 and Pi77-4257, respectively coded by A, B, C and D) and tropical flint (ICAL210, Hi28, CM103 and CM109, respectively coded by E, F, G and H) maize inbreds were analysed in a diallel set for combining ability, heterosis, and the correlations among yield and 13 agronomic traits. Eight parental inbreds and their 28 F1 hybrids were included. Experiment was conducted in replicated blocks during spring crop 1984 at TARI. Diallel-cross analysis indicated that general and specific combining abilities were highly significant for yield and 12 agronomic traits except ear diameter. GCA was more significant than SCA for most characters except grain yield in these diverse germplasm. Flint inbreds Hi 28 (code by F) and ICAL 210 (code by E), both had significantly high GCA effects in yield as well as ear height, leaf area, ear length, ear diameter, kernel number per row, 100-kernel weight and shelling rate etc., were the most promising inbreds in this experiment for developing high yield hybrids. Hybrids Hi25×Hi28 (A×F by code), Oh545×UH-1 (B×C by code) and Hi25×ICAL 210 (A×E by code) has significantly high SCA effects in grain yield as well as ear height, leaf area, stalk diameter, ear length, ear diameter, number of kernel rows per ear, kernel number per row, kernel depth, 100-kernel weight and shelling rate etc.. Most of the high yield hybrids, such as A×F (1.87 kg/10 plants), B×E (1.84), D×F (1.82) and A×E (1.74) etc., were coming from the combination of ”dent × flint”. This indicated that hybrids derived from such crossing pattern were much more easier to display high yield potential. Although the combinations of ”flint × flint”, such as E×F (1.76 kg/10 plants), or ”dent × dent”, such as B×C (1.76kg/10 plants), could also obtain high yield hybrids, however, their frequencies were quite low. The comparisons of dent to flint inbreds for combining ability effects showed that flint were better than dent inbreds in GCA, for they often had later and taller hybrids. on the other hand, although dent inbreds had earlier and shorter hybrids and were lower in GCA for most of the agronomic traits, dent hybrids (dent × dent) were better than flint hybrids (flint × flint) in SCA for traits such as leaf area, stalk diameter, ear length, number of kernel rows per ear, kernel number per row, kernel depth and shelling rate etc. Hybrids from the cross of dent and flint had most of their vegetative traits in between dent and flint hybrids, they had significantly better SCA in plant height, ear height, stalk diameter, ear length, ear diameter, kernel number per row, kernel depth, 100-kernel weight and grain yield as well as higher heterosis in 100-kernel weight. In other words, flint inbreds had better performances in GCA while dent inbreds in SCA effects. Correlation coefficients among yield and eleven agronomic traits were all positive and highly significant except days to tasseling and silking, which were highly and negatively correlated with yield, indicating that high yield hybrids were associated with taller plants and greater leaf area, ear length, ear diameter, kernel number per row, kernel depth, 100-kernel weight and shelling rate. Among those traits, ear diameter (r=0.792), kernel number per row (r=0.747), 100-kernel weight (r=0.764), ear length (r=0.663), plant height (r=0.660) and kernel depth (r=0.640) etc. were more important.


