  • 期刊


Estimating the Value of Extreme Temperature Early Warning: A Case Study of Cardiovascular Disease




Climate change has caused extreme temperature phenomena to occur more frequently, leading to rising temperature-related mortality or cardiovascular-related illness worldwide. Due to the limited effect of mitigations, adaptation strategies to the changes induced as a result of climate change have become increasingly important. Many governments introduced early warning systems of extreme temperature to alert the general public to respond to health risks effectively on short timescales. Using double-bounded dichotomous choice contingent valuation method, this study designed a willingness-to-pay questionnaire to assess the potential economic benefits of the early warning systems and to identify major determinant factors. The results showed that health risk perception, age, and working experience in medical care services were the major influencing factors. The model estimated that the average willingness to pay was 365~368 NTD per capita per year, which amounted to 0.11% of personal annual income. Multiplied the sample mean by the population of Taiwan, the total benefits were estimated to be 6.8 billion NTD per year. The results can be used as a reference for establishing early warning systems and formulating relevant strategies for climate change adaptations.


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