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東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis)卵為小十三星瓢蟲(Harmonia dimidiata)食物之合適性

Suitability of Bactricera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) Egg as Food for Harmonia dimidiata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)


於室內溫度25℃ ± 1℃,75% ± 10% RH,光照14:10(L:D)小時條件下進行小十三星瓢蟲(Harmonia dimidiata (Fabricius))取食東方果實蠅(Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel))卵的發育與生殖試驗。結果顯示取食低壓冷凍乾燥東方果實蠅卵的小十三星瓢蟲幼蟲發育所需時間比取食對照食物(棉蚜,Aphis gossypii Glover)者較長,初羽化成蟲的體重也比較輕,但受測的40隻幼蟲中有29隻能完成發育羽化為成蟲。因此,低壓冷凍乾燥的東方果實蠅卵可視為是小十三星瓢蟲幼蟲合適的(adequate)食物。而由成蟲每雌一生總產卵量有646.6粒,卵孵化率平均47.3%,東方果實蠅鮮卵可認為是小十三瓢蟲成蟲合適的食物。此外,若將雄性族群納入考量,日齡別生殖力(mx,日齡x的每成蟲產卵量)≤日齡齡期別生殖力(fx,日齡x的每雌產卵量),顯示忽視雄性族群的結果,有可能高估族群的增殖力。


Development and fecundity of the lady beetle [Harmonia dimidiata (Fabricius)] fed on the oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel) egg was carried out under conditions of 25 ± 1℃, 75 ± 10% RH, and 14 : 10 (L:D) photoperiod at laboratory. Results showed that the development time of larva raised on fly eggs was longer, body weight of new emerged adult was lighter than that on the reference prey (Aphis gossypii Glover), while 29 of 40 candidate individuals raised on fly eggs could complete to adulthood. The lyophilized B. dorsalis eggs can be considered as the ”adequate” food for the larva of H. dimidiata. And can be also as adequate food for adult, because 646.6 eggs with 47.3% of hatching rate produced per female cultured with B. dorsalis eggs. Moreover, the male population is taken into consideration, the age specific fecundity (mx, number of egg produced per individual at age x) is always smaller than the age-stage specific fecundity (fx, number of egg produced per female at age x). Consequently, the capacity of a population growing may be overestimated if ignore its male population.
