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Parity-Violating Nuclear Force and QCD Sum Rules


It is known that the method of QCD sum rules provides an efficient way for unraveling consequences of QCD for a physical process which involves strong interactions. Owing to modifications due to strong interactions, on the other hand, nonleptonic weak interactions remain as a poorly understood sector in the standard model. Thus, we have launched serious efforts to use QCD sum rules to determine weak parity-violating nuclear forces, a flavor-conserving sector of nonleptonic weak interactions which has been subject to experimental studies because of its parity-violating signature.As an illustrative example, I describe the procedure 3 of using QCD sum rules to obtain the weak parity-violating (p.v.) pion-nucleon coupling constant FπNN. We findthat the result on fπNN is consistent with the experimental upper limit found from 18F parity-violating measurements.The method which we have adopted is being used to determine the p.v. pNN and wNN couplings, which together with the weak πNN coupling give rise to the parity-violating nuclear forces. It is also being used to study two-body weak decays of hyperons in order to shed some light on the empirical rules such as the AI = 1/2rule.




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