  • 期刊


The Interaction of the U.S.-China-Thailand Triangle in the Post-Cold War Era: A Time-Series Analysis Approach




美國 泰國 中國 三角關係 事件資料


Facing China's rise in the post-Cold War era, how do great powers, like the United States, China, and Thailand, who is famous for its bamboo strategy, interact with each other? This paper aims to answer the question by analyzing (1) what events cause structural changes in the triangle; (2) how the third-party effect works in this triangle; (3) how the three actors influence each other. By applying time-series analyses, statistical results show that the 911 attack had led to a structural change for the triangle. The impact of China's political-economic factors and Thai politics was not as significant as expected. On the other hand, statistical results also reveal the pattern that Thailand tended to balance the US-China interactions with its policy toward the United States, which also indicates Thailand's sensitivity and prudence to power politics.


United States China Thailand Triangular Relations Event Data


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