  • 期刊

Coconut Oil is Associated with a Beneficial Lipid Profile in Pre-Menopausal Women in the Philippines



椰子油在許多國家是一種常用的食用油,但其對於血脂影響及心血管疾病之風險並未定論。本研究以菲律賓宿霧市健康與營養調查(Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey)其中的婦女世代為調查對象,共1839位,年齡為35-69歲,探討她們的椰子油攝取與血脂之相關性。椰子油攝取量是由兩次24小時飲食回憶資料求得之平均值(9.5±8.9克)。由空腹抽血樣本,分析各項血脂的指標。以線性迴規模式,校正總能量、年齡、身體質量指數、懷孕次數、教育程度、停經狀態、家戶所得及城市居住等變項後,評估椰子油攝取與血脂之間的相關性。結果發現,椰子油攝取與低密度脂蛋白或三酸甘油酯沒有顯著相關,然而與高密度脂蛋白呈正相關,尤以停經前婦女更為明顯,顯示椰子油攝取與有益的血脂質有關。針對經常食用椰子油的族群,需再進一步探討椰子油與血膽固醇的關連。


Coconut oil is a common edible oil in many countries, and there is mixed evidence for its effects on lipid profiles and cardiovascular disease risk. Here we examine the association between coconut oil consumption and lipid profiles in a cohort of 1,839 Filipino women (age 35-69 years) participating in the Cebu Longitudinal Health and Nutrition Survey, a community based study in Metropolitan Cebu. Coconut oil intake was estimated using the mean of two 24-hour dietary recalls (9.5±8.9 grams). Lipid profiles were measured in morning plasma samples collected after an overnight fast. Linear regression models were used to estimate the association between coconut oil intake and each plasma lipid outcome after adjusting for total energy intake, age, body mass index (BMI), number of pregnancies, education, menopausal status, household assets and urban residency. Dietary coconut oil intake was positively associated with high density lipoprotein cholesterol especially among pre-menopausal women, suggesting that coconut oil intake is associated with beneficial lipid profiles. Coconut oil consumption was not significantly associated with low density lipoprotein cholesterol or triglyceride values. The relationship of coconut oil to cholesterol profiles needs further study in populations in which coconut oil consumption is common.


Zubair, N., Kuzawa, C. W., Lee, N. R., McDade, T. W., & Adair, L. S. (2014). Clustering and Determinants of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors among Filipino Young Adults. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 23(1), 148-158. https://doi.org/10.6133/apjcn.2014.23.1.06
