  • 期刊

The Atherosclerotic Risk Profile Is Affected Differently By Fish Flesh with a Similar EPA and DHA Content but Different n-6/n-3 Ratio



本研究目的,在於評估攝取n-6及n-3脂肪酸比例不同之黑鯛魚片對於動脈粥狀硬化生化指標的影響。共有20位健康的受試者參與此隨機單盲交叉試驗。研究初始,隨機將受試者分為A、B兩組,A組先給予每週大約630克黑鯛魚片(FM-以全魚飼料餵養),連續攝食10週後,更換為以混合50%植物性蛋白飼料餵養的黑鯛魚(PP),B組則相反。A組在給予FM黑鯛魚的介入後,總膽固醇濃度顯著地減少29.3%(-26 mg/dL),然而換成給予PP黑鯛魚後,又回升至介入前的濃度。且低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(減少21.6%; -19 mg/dL)及三酸甘油酯(減少11.7%; -10.7 mg/dL)也具有相似的現象。FM黑鯛魚的攝取,同時改善發炎細胞激素、介白素-6及介白素-8的濃度。此外,紅血球濾過率顯著提高7.59%(+4.59 mPA),顯示A 組參與者的全血黏度有明顯的改善。總結而論,攝取EPA及DHA含量相似,但不同比例n-6與n-3脂肪酸之魚肉,對於健康受試者的脂質、發炎及血液動力學參數,具有不同的效應。


The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of consuming gilthead sea bream fillets, with different n-6/ n-3 ratios, on atherosclerotic biomarkers. Twenty healthy subjects were included in a randomised single-blinded cross-over trial. Participants were randomized into 2 groups, both of which received approximately 630 g per week of gilthead sea bream fed with either 100% fishmeal (FM) or partial replacement with plant proteins (PP) over two consecutive 10 week periods, respectively. Group A consumed firstly the FM fillets followed by the PP fillets, whereas the reverse order was adopted for group B. Group A reported a significant decrease of 29.3% (Δ=-26 mg/dL) in total cholesterol after the first phase of the intervention, before returning to baseline levels after the dietary intervention with fish fed with PP. Similarly, in group A, both LDL-cholesterol and triglycerides decreased significantly by 21.6% (Δ=-19 mg/dL) and 11.7% (Δ=-10.7 mg/dL), respectively, before increasing again after the intervention. Improvements in the inflammatory cytokines, interleukin-6 and -8 were also noted. Moreover, whole blood viscosity appeared significantly improved in group A, as seen by a significant increase of 7.59% (Δ=+4.59 mPA) for erythrocyte filtration rate. In conclusion, similar EPA+DHA content with different n-6/n-3 ratio fish flesh intake was shown to have varied affects on lipid, inflammatory and haemorheological parameters in a group of healthy subjects.


fish intake cardiovascular disease inflammation diet omega-3


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