  • 期刊

Does early postoperative enteral ecoimmunonutrition enhance intestinal function in gastric cancer?


Background and Objectives: We assessed the effect of enteral ecoimmunonutrition (enteral nutrition involving probiotics and immune nutrients) on gastric cancer in the postoperative period. Methods and Study Design: In total, 60 patients with gastric cancer were randomized into an enteral ecoimmunonutrition group or an enteral nutrition group. Information on postoperative complications; hospitalization length; time to first bowel movement and first flatus; and differences between preoperative and postoperative nutritional status, inflammatory reactions, and immune function was collected. Results: No significant between-group differences in nutritional status and complications were observed. C-reactive protein concentrations were lower in the enteral ecoimmunonutrition group than in the enteral nutrition group on postoperative day 7 (p<0.001) and CD4^+ concentrations were significantly higher (p=0.01). The enteral ecoimmunonutrition group had a significantly shorter time to first flatus than the enteral nutrition group (p=0.03). Conclusions: Early postoperative enteral ecoimmunonutrition significantly improved immune function, reduced inflammatory responses, and promoted intestinal function recovery in patients with gastric cancer undergoing gastrectomy.
