  • 期刊


Oral health-related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Primary School Teachers in the Kaohsiung Area


本研究目的在探討國小教師口腔衛生知識、態度、行為現況及其與社會人口學、校園口腔保健計畫間之關係。研究設計乃針對2005年9月至2006年1月任教於高雄縣、市之國小教師,進行口腔衛生知識、態度及行為何卷調查。採分層集束隨機抽樣(Stratified cluster random sampling)調查法,共計抽出50所學校,1866位教師。回收有效問卷1024份,回收率54.88%,問卷資料以Microsoft Access建擋,再以JMP統計軟體進行統計分析。國小教師口腔衛生知識分教平均為67.05±13.52,態度分數平均為76.82±6.69,行為方面,國小教師刷牙次教以一天三次(含)以上佔62.31%居多,使用貝氏刷牙法佔48.24%,定期看牙醫習慣佔57.67%。整體而言國小教師口腔衛生知識尚待加強,態度屬正向,然而以口腔衛生促進者角色而言應再努力加強。建議有關單位未來宜整合校園口腔保健計畫,有組織、有系統、持續性推動。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of primary school teachers' oral health-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP), and the relationship between teacher's social demographic status and the school's oral hygiene programs. Fifty primary schools and 1866 teachers in Kaohsiung County and City were selected by a stratified cluster sampling method. The study was carried out using a postal questionnaire including items on oral health-related KAP. This study ran from September 2005 to January 2006. The response rate was 54.88% (1024 teachers). Data were analyzed using JMP statistical software. The mean score and standard deviation (SD) of the primary school teachers' oral health-related knowledge was 67.05±13.52. The mean score and SD of oral health-related attitudes of these teachers was 76.82±6.69. The distribution of these teachers' oral health-related practices included: (1) 62.31% of the teachers brushed their teeth at least 3 times a day which accounted for the highest number in this study; (2) 48.24% of them brushed their teeth using the Bass method; and (3) 57.67% of teachers visited a dentist periodically. More emphasis is needed on the oral health-related knowledge of teachers. Their oral health-related attitudes are considered positive attitudes, and their oral health-related practices are better than those of the general public. We recommend designing standard oral health-related teaching materials for primary school teachers and encouraging them to become involved in oral health-related conferences. It is very important to integrate and organize all school oral hygiene-related programs and systematically and continuously promote them.


