  • 期刊


Oral Health Status and Related Factors of Children with Disabilities in Kaohsiung County, Taiwan


身心障礙兒童由於身體障礙種類及程度的不同,維護口腔衛生的能力較一般兒童不足。本研究目的在於建立高雄縣身心障礙兒童口腔流行病學基本資料,以提供將來推廣身心障礙牙科醫療費用推估及預防治療計畫之依據。本研究針對設籍於高雄縣並領有身心障礙手冊之十二歲以下學童為對象,共526位,其中男童314人、女童212人,平均年齡為7.44±2.89歲。由高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院、岡山秀傳醫院及衛生署立旗山醫院,進行口腔現況之檢查,而每位兒童在進行口腔檢查前,請主要照、護者填寫問卷,而每位兒童檢查後再施予牙齒局部塗氟及潔牙教育。以JMP,SAS統計軟體以頻率、百分比、平均數、標準差、卡方檢定、變異數分析、回歸分析的方法分析口腔健康狀況及各項背景資料之相關性。分析結果:龋齒盛行率為79.09%。恆牙龋齒指數(DMFT index)為1.15±2.08,乳牙龋齒指數(deft index )為4.01±4.52,龋齒填禍率為19.68%。如何有效維護身心障礙兒童口腔健康,除了教導照護者、特殊教育學校老師、護士正確的潔牙保健知識外,也需藉媒體、社區和機構等多管道來推廣。如此才能真正落實預防甚於治療,改善身心障礙者的口腔健康之目標。


It is more difficult to maintain the oral hygiene in children with disabilities than for general children. Children with mental retardation, a physical disability, and multiple disabilities have a poorer oral hygiene status compared to normal children, The aims of this study were (1) to survey the oral health condition and estimate the dental treatment requirements of children with disabilities and (2) to establish epidemiological data to develop preventive programs, The study included a dental examination and questionnaire survey carried out on 526 disabled children , including 314 boys and 212 girls with a mean age of 7.44±2.89 years, and their caregivers in Kaohsiung County, southwestern Taiwan, The oral examination showed that the caries prevalence was 79.09%, the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index was 1.15±2.08 and the decayed, extracted, and filled teeth (deft) index was 4.01±4.52. The mean filling rate was 19.68%. According to these results, we hope to establish a dental preventive program, including teacher education and caregiver education, establish a training system for dentists treating the disabled, and encourage the disabled to receive preventive dental treatment and routine examinations.


