  • 期刊


Advancement of In Vitro Shoot Elongation in Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla



先前研究中所建立之雜交桉(Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla)微體繁殖體系,在誘導多芽禮形成之後,促使其芽體抽長的階段,根容易發生玻璃質化的情形,因而影響植株的生產速率。為了有效控制此玻璃質化現象的發生,首先調整培養基中agar的濃度,結果發現增加agar濃度確實可以抑制玻璃質化的發生,但是芽體的抽長亦受到抑制;另外將芽體先置於液體培養基中培養,再移至半國體培養基中培養,結果顯示液體培養的時間越長,芽體抽長之長度越長,但是芽體玻璃質化後較難完全恢復,其中以液體培養15天後,再將抽長之芽體移至半固體培養基繼續培養15天的處理效果最佳,如此不但可以促進芽體的抽長,而且玻璃質化的情形會在移至半固體培養基後的短時間內消失,芽體得以恢復正常的形態及生長,進而改善植株的生產速率。


Micropropagation methods developed for Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla in previous studies indicated that vitrification often occurred during the process of shoot elongation. Plantlet production was significantly influenced by the occurrence of vitrification. Although vitrification decreased in frequency with increases of agar concentration in the medium, shoot elongation was inhibited. In the experiment of culturing alternately in liquid and agar - solidified media, shoot elongation was promoted with increasing culture duration in liquid medium. However, vitrified shoots were difficult to recover when culturing in liquid for toe long a period. Shoot elongation in liquid culture for 15 days was optimal, followed by subculturing onto agar-solidified medium for another 15 days. With this treatment vitrified shoots recovered to normal performance in 19 days and readily rootrd. Therefore, the micropropagation method became mush more efficient for plantlet production.
