





Small cell carcinoma of the rectum is very unusual and, although its precise incidence is not clear, it comprises less than 0.2 percent of all colorectal cancers. This tumor exhibits highly aggressive behavior. The treatment of choice is combination chemotherapy similar to that used for small cell cancer of the lung, but in small localized tumors, the combination of surgery plus chemotherapy still has a chance for cure. We present here a case of small cell carcinoma of the lower rectum in a 58-year-old female who visited us because of repeated bloody stool passage with tenesmus noted for more than 2 months. Colonoscopic examination revealed a rectal mass with nearly total luminal obstruction and a biopsy indicated small cell carcinoma. She underwent an en bloc abdomino-perineal resection and had an uneventful recovery, although she died of wide-spread metastasis only 4 months after the operation.


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