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Effect of Ascorbic Acid on Mouse Plasma Fibronectin Concentration



本實驗的目的為測試維生素C對小白鼠血漿中纖維網狀蛋白的影響。將小白鼠分別餵食含3種不同量維生素C的飼料(0%, 1%和10%),再以具單一特異性的兔子抗小白鼠纖維網狀蛋白抗體進行酵素聯結免疫分析小白鼠血漿中纖維網狀蛋白的濃度實驗。與控制組相較下,餵食含10%維生素C飼料的小白鼠,兩個月後血漿中的維生素C濃度明顯的升高,而餵食1%維生素 C的小白鼠則沒有顯著的統計上差異。餵食含10%維生素C的飼料後顯示,在小白鼠血漿中不論是纖維網狀蛋白或是羥脯胺酸的濃度都明顯的升高。由本實驗的結果顯示,維生C影響血漿中纖維網狀蛋白的濃度可能與膠原蛋白的代謝有直接或間接上的關係。


The effect of vitamin C on plasma fibronectin levels was studied. Mice were fed 3 different doses of dietary ascorbic acid (0%, 1%, and 10%), and the plasma fibronectin concentration was determined by an enzyme immunoassay with monoclonal rabbit anti-mouse fibronectin antibodies. Compared to the control, the mice with a 10% ascorbic acid-containing diet for 2 months had a significantly elevated plasma ascorbic acid concentration, but no statistically significant difference was observed for mice with a 1% ascorbic acid diet. The 10% ascorbic acid group exhibited a significant increase in the plasma fibronectin concentration as well as in the hydroxyproline level. The results indicate that ascorbic acid can influence the blood concentration of fibronectin which may be related either directly or indirectly to collagen metabolism.


fibronectin ascorbic acid hydroxyproline collagen ELISA
