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Analysis of Vitamin E, Selenium, and Other Nutrients in Planned Balanced Diets in Taiwan



為了解依營養原則及國人飲食習慣所設計之均衡飲食中,維生素E、Se、礦物質之供應狀況,本研究收集某教學醫院營養部所設計監督供應之普通飲食(2000 kcal/day),以一天為一單位,共收六天。進行一般成分分析並以高效液相層析法分析維生素E含量,以螢光法分析晒含量,以感應耦合電漿原子發射光譜分析礦物質。結果顯示所收的六個一日飲食樣品中維生素E平均含量α-生育醇為9.8±2.4 mg/day、γ生育醇為17.4±9.8 mg/day,δ-生育醇為5.5±1.0 mg/day,α-生育醇當量為11.7±2.1 mg/day,接近行政院衛生署建議量每天12 mg α-生育醇當量。六個一日飲食樣品的平均硒含量為112±7μg/day,高於建議量。兩個不同單位分析六個樣品中鎂含量平均值分別為258±27及209±21 mg/day,皆低於建議攝取量。樣品中其他礦物質(鈉、鉀、鈣、磷、鐵、銅、鋅),均符合建議量或飲食指標之推薦。六個一日飲食樣品的平均粗蛋白、粗脂肪、組纖維、粗灰分及無氮抽出物之含量分別為97、74、6.4、13.2及287.4 g/day;依此計算平均熱量供應量為2202 kcal/day,較飲食設計之目標值約高出一戚,但三種能量營養素佔總能量之百分率則相當符合設計值。樣品中七種必需胺基酸含量亦均超過成人及見童之需求pattern。本研究結果顯示,依營養原則及國人飲食習慣所設計調配之均衡飲食,除鎂以外,其他礦物質以及維生素E之供應量,大致符合行政院衛生署第五版RDNA之建議。


均衡飲食 維生素E 礦物質 必需胺基酸


To obtain insights into the daily supply of vitamin E, Se, minerals, and other nutrients in well-planned Taiwanese balanced diets, six daily diet samples whose formulation and preparation had been planned and supervised by hospital dieticians were collected from a diet/nutrition unit of a university hospital. According to HPLC analysis, the mean daily vitamin E supplied by these diets was 11.7 ±2.1 mg/day of α-tocopherol equivalent, including 9.8 ±2.4, 17.4 ±9.8, and 5.5±1.0 mg/ day of α-, γ-, and δ- tocopherol, respectively, and are very close to the RDA value of 12 mg/day. The mean selenium content of the daily diet samples analyzed spectrofluorometrically were 112±7 μg/day, well above the recommended allowance of 55 μg/day. Using inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy, the supply of minerals including Ca, P, Fe, Cu, Zn, Na, and Kit these diets were found to surpass the recommended allowances or comply with the dietary goals. Unexpectedly, it was found that the mean Mg content was only 258 mg/day which was below the recommended intake of 300 mg/day. The mean proximate compositions were 97, 74, 6.4, 13.2, and 287.4 g/day of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, crude ash, and nitrogen-free extract, respectively, from which the mean energy supply was calculated to be 2202 kcal/day. Although the analyzed energy value was 10% higher than the planned target value, the percentages of energy contributed by the three macro-nutrients agreed well to planned values. The pattern of seven essential amino acids analyzed by acid hydrolysis and an amino acid analyzer was found to surpass the requirement patterns for 2-year-old children and adults. The results indicate that vitamin E, Se, and most minerals provided by a well-planned Taiwanese balanced diet meet the recommended allowances except for Mg.


