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Effect of High-fat Diet on Intestinal Microbiota of Hamster


本研究主要是利用次世代定序系統與大數據分析方法,研究高脂飲食對倉鼠全腸道總菌相組成變化的影響。將倉鼠分為控制組與高脂組各20隻,並於第4、8、12、20週分別犧牲各組3隻倉鼠,分析血液生化值和糞便菌相的變化情形,其中第20週高脂組為餵飼高脂飼料至第12週後改餵飼對照組飼料8週。結果顯示攝取4-12週的高脂飼料後,糞便中有6個菌種所佔的比例較控制組減少約2.3~90.5倍,其中包括芽孢梭菌(Clostridium hiranonis)、普拉梭菌(Faecalibacterium prausnitzii)、普氏菌(Prevotella copri)、類桿菌(Bacteroides plebeius)、柯林氏菌(Collinsella stercoris)和痤瘡丙酸桿菌(Propionibacterium acnes);而有2個菌種所佔的比例增加2.3~8.0倍,其中包括容易引起發炎反應的脫硫弧菌(Desulfovibrio C21 C20)和高山姬鼠螺旋桿菌(Helicobacter apodemus)。高脂組在第12週後停止攝取高脂飼料並改為對照組的飼料餵食8週後,結果顯示除了柯林氏菌含量仍較低外,其他原本減少或增加的菌種與控制組比較起來則無顯著差異。實驗結果顯示飲食中的脂肪含量的確影響腸道菌相的組成。


Next generation sequencing and big data analysis were applied to study the effect of high-fat diet on intestinal microbiota of hamsters. Forty male 8-week old Syrian hamsters were divided into control and high-fat groups. Three animals from each group were sacrificed at week 4, 8, 12, 20 weeks to analyze blood parameters and fecal microbiota. Microbiota analysis indicates high-fat diet promoted 6 strains by 2.3-90.5 folds, including Clostridium hiranonis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzi, Prevotella copri, Bacteroides plebeius, Collinsella stercoris, and Propionibacterium acnes. Two strains were increased by high-fat diet by 2.3-8.0 folds, including Desulfovibrio C21 C20 and Helicobacter apodemus which cause inflammation. After stopping the intake of high-fat diet for 8 weeks, the strains in animals of "high-fat" group were not significantly different from those of control group, except Collinsella stercoris was still lower in high-fat group. The results indicate that intestinal microbiota is affected by dietary fats.
