  • 期刊


The Factors Attracting Taiwanese Tourists to Visit the Mainland China


自民國九十年起政府開放金馬小三通,並研擬開放大陸居民至台灣觀光的政策,再加上全面周休二日制之措施,為旅遊產業創造了潛在的商機。本文擬針對國人選擇特定地區從事旅遊活動的動機進行瞭解,特別以國人較常前往旅遊的大陸地區為研究對象,以作為相關業者擬定旅遊行銷策略之參考。本研究應用交叉分析表及定量選擇模型(Quantal Choice Model)之logit分析,探討影響遊客選擇至大陸地區旅遊之決定因素。本研究結果發現前往大陸地區旅遊之選擇行為有以下現象:(1)隨性別、年齡與職業之不同,有顯著差異。(2)在分析出國原因,去過大陸遊客比沒去過大陸旅遊,較贊同國內旅遊費用太貴的看法;而贊同「國內旅遊設施不完善」才選擇去大陸旅遊的遊客,其贊同的比例相對小於到大陸以外國家旅遊的看法。(3)前往大陸旅遊之考慮因素中,以歷史文物、簽證方便、語言溝通和購物等有正向影響;而自然景觀、治安、氣候和衛生條件等則有負面影響。另外,因國內旅遊費用昂貴使國人選擇前往大陸地區旅遊的機率會增加。


Starting 2001, the tourism industry is expected to booming due to tremendous market potential from recent government policies. The first is two-day weekend system now in effect for every weekend instead of every other weekend, the second is the three small direct links with the Mainland China, and the third is the possibility of allowing tourists from the Mainland to visit Taiwan. The purpose of this research is to examine the factors influencing the choice of destination for overseas traveling. Especially, traveling to Mainland China has become one of the most popular traveling destinations in recent years that it would be interesting to explore the reasons why people choose to visit there. The research results could be useful for selecting appropriate marketing strategies for the tourism industry. Cross tables with Chi-squared tests and Quantal choice Model with logistic analyses were used to analyze the tourists' choice behavior. The research findings of the choice behavior for visiting the Mainland China were summarized as follows. (1) Gender, age, and occupation had significant effects on the choice behavior. (2) For those who had visited Mainland China, there was a higher percentage samples' thoughts that domestic traveling costs were higher than people who had never visited there. On the other hand, for those who had visited Mainland China, the percentage of people who thought that the domestic traveling facilities were not satisfactory was lower than those who chose to visit other foreign countries. (3) Factors that had positive contributions for choosing to visit the mainland included the historical cultural heritage, convenience for obtaining traveling permits, less communication hurdle, and convenience for shopping. The negative factors included natural amenity, political and safety concerns, climate and weather conditions, and sanitary conditions. Moreover, if the cost of domestic traveling increases, the probability of choosing to visit the Mainland would also increase.


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