  • 期刊


Integrating Information Literacy into First-Grade Inquiry Learning: An Example of Creature Investigation on Campus Using the Super3 Model




The purpose of this study was to investigate the students' performance of information literacy and subject contents on an integrated information literacy instruction in the first-grade science curriculum. The curriculum was designed based on the Super3 model which includes plan, do and review phases. The study lasted for one month, and data was gathered through participant observation, interviews, test, and document analysis. The results showed that information literacy could be integrated into lower-grade science curriculum using the Super3 model. The students performed well on posing questions, creating posters, and reflection; however, oral presentation needed to be improved. First-grade students' science learning both on memory and comprehension was significantly different through inquiry learning. The teachers expressed two opinions about this instruction. At last, a couple of issues were posed for further clarification, such as revision of the Super3 model, types of posing questions, execution of rubrics, and design of reflection worksheets.


Science Inquiry learning Information literacy Super3


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American Association of School Librarians (AASL)(2009).Standards for the 21st-century learning in action.Chicago IL:American Library Association.
