  • 期刊


Transformative Agreement: An Exploratory Study of Journal License Agreements


開放取用(Open Access)近年成為學術上受到矚目的議題,面對每年高漲的電子期刊訂購費用,圖書館界發現OA的發展可能解構出版社現有的價格模式,重新計算學術投資成本,從出版源頭來移轉原本在消費終端由出版社完全主導的傳統計價模式,不同模式的期刊合約—轉型化合約因應而生。本研究先就轉型化合約與開放取用的發展做說明,再檢視目前市場上現有的轉型化合約,透過理解轉型中合約的內容模式,從中截長補短,為未來的議價策略做準備,也提供國內圖書館界與出版社協商合約時做為參考的基準。


Discussions about open access (OA) have been going on for almost two decades. Under pressure from the OA movement, libraries and publishers started to renegotiate journal agreements with an emphasis on transparency and affordability. Library consortia and libraries demand OA parameters in agreements. On the other hand, publishers also make efforts to find a sustainable way to operate the business in the face of significant changes in scholarly communication. New pricing and agreement models have been developed and "transformative agreements" can be an umbrella term for them. Transformative agreements shift the focus of scholarly journal licensing from a subscription model to an OA publishing fee. New types of contract have resulted in major changes in how library budgets are allocated. In this paper, we review the literature to identify the basic principles of contracts and to summarize OA parameters by studying existing transformative agreements, including those agreements Iowa State University signed with Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and the Association for Computing Machinery. It is hoped that libraries can have a better understanding of the direction of travel in future negotiations, and provide libraries with suggestions on how to negotiate OA agreements.


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