  • 期刊


The COVID-19 Pandemic and Authoritarian Dilemma in China




中國 維穩 新冠肺炎 威權兩難 威權統治


This article investigates the problems that China has faced since the coronavirus outbreak at the end of 2019 and the potential consequences and implications of these problems for the authoritarian rule of the Chinese Communist Party. It argues that the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened certain authoritarian dilemma for Xi Jinping's administration. These dilemmas include both the principal-agent problem and conflicts between social control and legitimacy building. They have become particularly pressing and salient after the COVID-19 dealt a heavy blow to China's economy and undermined its social stability. For China to survive these post COVID-19 political challenges, it will have to focus on developing ways to resolve these issues and maintain its authoritarian rule.


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