  • 期刊


Comparison of Dance Therapy and Exercise Training onImproving Balance and Walking Function in People withParkinson Disease: A Meta-analysis


研究背景與目的:舞蹈是一項結合平衡與協調技巧的活動。過去研究發現舞蹈治療可用於改善巴金森氏症患者的動作障礙,但其療效是否優於一般運動訓練仍不清楚,因此本研究將以統合分析方式比較舞蹈治療與運動訓練在改善患者平衡與行走功能的效果。方法:本次分析搜尋收錄於中英文資料庫含PubMed、Ovid MEDLlNE、Scopus、CINAHL、Cochrane以及中文期刊電子期刊服務之文獻,選取探討巴金森氏症患者舞蹈治療與一般運動介入的比較研究。結果:在平衡功能上,舞蹈治療並未顯著地優於經動訓練。在行走功能上,舞蹈治療的效果有高於運動訓練的趨勢,但其差異未達統計顯著水準。而不同的犯蹈形式問對改善患者平衡與行走功能的效果並無顯著差異。結論:舞蹈治療與一般運動訓練在改善巴金森氏症患者的平衡與行走功能上有相似的效果,且舞蹈治療的效果並不因選用的舞蹈種類不同而有差異。


Background and Purpose: Dance is an activity combining both balance and coordination skills. Previous studies showed that dance therapy could improve the movement performance in people with Parkinson disease (PD). However, it remains unclear if dance therapy is more effective than the conventional exercise training. Therefore, this study aims to compare the effects of dance therapy and exercise training in improving the patients' balance and walking function by meta-analysis. Methods: We select studies comparing dance therapy and exercise training for PD patients from online databases including PubMed, Scopus, Ovid MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane and Chinese Electronic Periodical Services (CEPS). Results: In balance function, dance therapy shows comparable effect s with the exercise training. In walking function, dance therapy tends to be superior to the exercise training, despite the difference is not significant. In addition, different types of dance show similar therapeutic effects on balance and walking function. Conclusion: Dance therapy is compatible with exercise training in improving PD patients' balance and walking function, and such effects are not affected by the types of dance used.


