  • 期刊


On Taoism's Concept of Soul




道教 靈魂觀 三魂七魄 煉度


The concept of soul is the origin and foundation of religious belief, and it is also the basic concept of religious theology and the concern of religious studies. Among Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, the Taoist concept of the soul is the richest in content. Taoist belief in immortals, self-cultivation, talismanic registers, magic, and Zhaijiao rituals all contain various concepts of the immortality of the soul. Through the detailed investigation of the Taoist concept of soul, the study believes that the concept of Taoist soul is based on Taoist philosophy. The Taoist concept of soul is the theoretical support of Huanglu Zhai, and an important part of Taoist Huanglu Zhai is the salvation ritual derived from the Taoist thought of saving life and saving death. The Taoist concept of soul has the thinking characteristics of Chinese ancestors, and the Taoist theory of three celestial souls (hun) and seven earthly souls (po) has a profound impact on Chinese society.


漢.劉安,《淮南鴻烈解》,收入《道藏》第 28 冊,北京:文物出版社、上海書店、天津古籍出版社聯合出版,1988。
東晉.葛洪,《抱朴子內篇》,收入《道藏》第 28 冊。
東晉.葛洪,《抱朴子養生論》,收入《道藏》第 18 冊。
梁.陶弘景,《周氏冥通記》,收入《道藏》第 5 冊。
梁.陶弘景,《真誥》,收入《道藏》第 20 冊。
