  • 期刊


Study of corrosive factors of atmosphere and trend analysis and comparison in Taiwan




Taiwan is an island and locates at tropic and sub-tropic climates with high humidity and salinity. Metal components are prone to corrosion. Therefore, it is particularly important to understand the deterioration and atmospheric corrosion factors in Taiwan. The deterioration factors and the data of metal corrosion, including chloride deposition rate and sulfur dioxide deposition amount in each year, ten-year trends, each vertical test line and specific test sites are analyzed during the test period from January 2009 to December 2019. In this regard, it is necessary to enable the basis of corrosion protection design and maintenance management of structures in the future. The results show that the chloride salt deposition rate in the Taoyuan test lead, the Keelung test lead, and the Formosa Plastics Naphtha Cracker #6 test lead and the Hualien Port test lead were higher. The sulfur dioxide deposition rate in Kuan-yin Industrial Park, Longde Industrial Park, Linhai Industrial Park, and Changbin Industrial Park were higher. For the one-year test piece, the vertical test lead, the corrosion rate of carbon steel in the Taoyuan test lead, the Keelung test lead, and the Formosa Plastics Naphtha Cracker #6 test lead were higher. The corrosion rate of zinc in the Taoyuan test lead was higher. The copper corrosion rate in the Formosa Plastics Naphtha Cracker #6 test lead was higher. The corrosion rate of aluminum in the Taoyuan test lead and the Formosa Plastics Naphtha were higher.


(2013).(ISO 9223/2013: Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Classification.).
(2013).(ISO 9224/2013: Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Guiding values for the corrosivity categories.).
中華民國國家標準CNS 13754金屬及合金之腐蝕-大氣腐蝕性(污染之測定),1996。
(2012).(ISO 9225/2012: Corrosion of metals and alloys - Corrosivity of atmospheres - Measurement of pollution.).
中華民國國家標準CNS 13753金屬及合金之腐蝕-大氣腐蝕性(測定標準試片之腐蝕速率以評估腐蝕性),2005。
