

本研究採用風洞實驗與計算流體動力學(CFD)數值模式研究頂蓋對挑高中庭建築物之自然通風的影響,風洞實驗採用壓力計量測建築物縮尺模型的表面風壓,用示蹤劑濃度衰減法來量測建築物模型的通風量,實驗數據可用於計算流體動力學模式之驗證。再利用驗證之CFD模式有系統地研究有屋頂開口之中庭建築物的自然通風。研究成果顯示:當建築物只有單一個開口,其通風量小於有雙開口建築物之通風量。雙開口之建築物,外牆開口在迎風面的通風量又大於開口在側面或背風面之通風量。風壓通風量與室外風速、屋頂的開口面積成正比,熱浮力通風量與室內外溫差成正比。當室外風速大於3 m/s時,風力通風的效應大於熱浮力。且中庭屋頂之斜頂蓋所造成的文氏管效應可增加風壓通風量,相較於平頂蓋中庭的風壓通風。


This study used wind tunnel experiments and a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model to investigate the natural ventilation in buildings with atrium. The surface pressures are measured by a pressure scanning, and the ventilation rates are measured by a tracer gas decay method. The results of laboratory experiments are used to validate the simulation of the CFD model. Then the CFD model is employed to systematically investigate the natural ventilation of atrium buildings with operable opening. The simulation results reveal that the ventilation rate of buildings with one single opening on the roof is smaller than that of buildings with two openings (one on the sidewall and another on the roof).The ventilation rate is proportional to the opening area and external wind speed. The combined effect of wind pressure and thermal buoyancy is dominated by wind-driven ventilation when wind speed is larger than 3.0 m/s. Furthermore, compared to the flat roofing, inclined roofing could enhance the wind-driven natural ventilation.


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