  • 期刊


Knowledge-based Economy, Technical Progress and Sustainable Growth



全球逐漸掀起一片「知識經濟」熱潮,台灣也無法免俗。2000年在新政府成立之後,即大力倡導「綠色矽島」,並以「知識經濟發展方案」作為政策並擬加以誰動。不過,儘管知識經濟的名詞喧天價響,且有政府政策之規畫,但其內涵卻不甚明確,而觀諸政府和專家們的政策和談論,著重知識在科技進步上的角色似很明顯,如此的強調極可能將社會資源導向科技知識和技術進步上。果若如此,是否即能成就物質面的經濟成長?即便可以達成目標,其所隱藏的代價是否值得?或其帶來的後遺症是否有益於「永續發展」? 本文即對這些課題作概括性的全面檢視,首先對「知識經濟」的意義試著釐清。在廓清知識經濟概念之後,接著藉由觀察當前慣用的測量技術進步貢獻之文獻,來得知一般感興趣的知識經濟與科技對經濟成長的「數量化」貢獻。緊接著就此種通用的做法及看法,由科技概念的澄清和永續發展之本質探索,審視流行的知識經濟理念和方案及偏向負面的可能性。最後則提出本文的結論。結論是:「誠信和互信倫理是知識經濟精髓」,如何因勢利導,將此精髓尋回並特予重視,讓沈淪的「善心」往上提升,人人向內自省自制,這也是政府的「知識經濟方素」最欠缺的成分。


The concept of ”knowledge-based economy” (KBE) has gained considerable popularity in Taiwan. With the new government led by President Chen Shui-bian planning to develop Taiwan into a ”green silicon island”, policies for the development of KBE projects are also being proposed. Although the idea of a KBE is well known and well planned by the government, its concept and definitions are not at all clear. Observing the government's policies and experts' input on the subject of KBE, it is significant to note that the roles of technology and skills progression have both been emphasized. Such emphasis should channel social resources into technical knowledge and technological progress. Can the target of economic growth be achieved in this way? And even if it is achieved, are the benefits greater than the costs? What's more, does the process lead to ”sustainable growth”? Each of these questions are discussed in this paper. First of all, the meaning of a ”knowledge-based economy” has to be clarified. Then, the ”quantitative” contribution of KBE and technology to economic growth are measured using the general methods discussed in the literature. In discussing the concept of technology and sustainable growth, the general concept and policy of KBE is reviewed and the possibility of a negative tilt is explained. Finally, it is suggested that ”trust” is the key to a successful KBE. Compassion and self-examination are both neglected in the current development of KBE projects led by the government.


張依文(2005)。體驗經濟下的文化創意生活產業 —以天仁喫茶趣的創意產業升級為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.02230
