  • 期刊


The Characteristics and Patients' Satisfaction of Medical Consultation Service for Traditional Chinese Medicine at a Medical Center in the Southern Taiwan


目的:衛教有助於病患疾病照護和健康促進,本研究的目的在探討南部某醫學中心中醫門診護理衛教特性與滿意度。方法:本研究依據服務品質與滿意度等相關理論,建立中醫門診護理衛教特性與滿意度之研究架構;依研究目的採用衛教諮詢滿意度調查表,衛教護理師記錄接受諮詢民眾之來源及諮詢內容種類以作為統整分析。結果:民國98年至102年度,諮詢民眾總人次為22,390,年度諮詢人次無明顯提昇。諮詢來源以電話諮詢最多、民眾自詢次之,各占總人次之82.1%、13.6%。醫師轉介量占總人次之4.1%。最熱門諮詢內容為三伏天/三九天諮詢(根據中國古老哲學:星相學、曆法,在一年中最熱/最冷的日子執行之中醫治療法),其次為中風護理指導,年度平均人次分別為672.4人次/年及424.6人次/年。年度滿意度平均均到達90分以上,顯示民眾基本對中醫門診護理衛教諮詢感到滿意。其中最滿意項目為表達能力(92.47±2.09, mean±SD),其次為服務態度(92.05±1.81, mean±SD); 較不滿意項目為地點選擇(89.60±1.84, mean±SD),其次為時間選擇(90.16±1.94, mean±SD)。結論:此項研究顯示中醫門診護理衛教諮詢的使用率及衛教特性。民眾對護理衛教諮詢整體感到滿意,特別是提供服務之護理師有良好解說能力及態度。滿意度問卷結果分析後,本研究構擬提升中醫門診護理衛教使用率的策略:(1)改善衛教室地點的標示及行動不便者轉送服務,(2)調整諮詢時段及增加更多樣化的諮詢方式,(3)提升醫師轉介的積極度及便利度,門診診間放置可提供病患衛教諮詢室的資訊,(4)重大疾病及慢性病患常規性轉介、初診常規性轉介,(5)季節性主題的團體衛教推廣,(6)中醫專科化發展,(7)提升中醫能見度。


護理衛教 衛教諮詢 中醫藥


Purpose: Health education would have contributed to the disease care and health promotion. The study aimed to explore the characteristics of medical consultation service for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) outpatients and the patients'satisfaction at a medical center in southern Taiwan. Methods: According to the related theories of service quality and customers' satisfaction, the questionnaire of satisfaction of medical consultation was applied for the study. Data management and analysis were based on the nurse who conducted the medical consultation and recorded the content of medical consultation and the source of patients. Results: From 2009 to 2013, 22,390 people received medical consultation. The utilization of medical consultation for TCM outpatients was not increasing. The source of consultation users was mainly with phone (82.1%), following by self-motivated visits after the clinic (13.6%). The proportion of doctor referral was 4.1%. The most popular consultation issue was San Fu Tian/ San Jiu Tian (A traditional Chinese therapy, based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of astronomy and calendar, demonstrated in the hottest/coldest days in the year), and the following was medical and nursing care of stroke patients, with the average patient visit per year was 672.4 and 424.6, respectively. The average satisfaction rate was above 90 points (with a full point 100.) The patients were generally satisfied with the consultation service. Among the factors concerning the service quality, the patients were most satisfied with the expression ability of the consultant (92.47±2.09), then the attitude of the consultant (92.05±1.81). The patient rated less satisfied with location (89.60±1.84) and the time (90.16±1.94) of the medical consultation service. Conclusion: This study disclosed the utilization rate of medical consultation service for TCM outpatients. The patients felt satisfied with the consultation service generally, which means the consultant nurse had well qualities of exposition and attitude. The results of satisfaction questionnaire were analyzed. The strategies of improving the utilization of medical consultation service for TCM outpatientswere as following: (1) The prominent display of the direction guide and improvement on the transfer service (2) More options of consulting time and method, (3) Encouragement of doctor referrals, building a more convenient route(4) Routine referral for patients with dread disease, chronic illness and first TCM outpatient visit, (5) Group education about season-related topics, (6) Development of subspecialities of TCM, (7) Boosts the presence of TCM.


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