  • 期刊


Optimal Operational Model for Reverse Logistics of Hazardous Wastes in Taiwan


科技發展的日新月異,帶動國家及產業之進步動力,在產業消費者導向的現今,為使產品達到客製化、即時性,從製造到最後交至顧客之物流運籌過程(process of logistics)就顯得特別重要,其著重的則是有效的將整體物流資源作有效的利用,但整體物流則還需包括從製造過程產生之廢棄物物流,即所謂之逆向物流(reverse logistics)之範疇。然而目前國內於學術界及企業體卻較無針對這方面之議題進行研究與檢討;更嚴重的是暗藏於現今台灣普遍的有害事業廢棄物違法傾倒的問題,更凸顯此一課題亟待解決之重要性。有鑒於此,本研究擬以國內相關問題背景之分析與探討為出發點,實地了解我國有害事業廢棄物廠商所面臨之主要營運問題,進而以作業研究(operation research)之線性規劃(linear programming)方法論為基礎,構建從訂單取得到處理及後端配送之整體逆向物流營運成本最小化模式;此外並藉由實地相關廢棄物處理廠商之訪談與個案應用研究,以驗證本研究所發展之數理模式,在國內逆向物流資源運作情形及現有環境限制下應用於實際決策下之可行性及實用性。本研究之成果於實務上,可提供相關政府部門、處理單位及欲處理廠商作有效之處理決策參考;於學理上,亦期為國內逆向物流相關研究開啟一研究基礎。


Reverse logistics in the treatment of hazardous wastes has remained a critical issue for decades, either in Taiwan or around the world. This study intends to propose an optimization-based approach to modeling the operational problems of business reverse logistics for the purpose of dealing with the treatment as well as distribution of hazardous wastes in Taiwan. The proposed method primarily involves a linear objective function denoting the major items of operating costs in the process of reverse logistics with respect to hazardous wastes, and related constraints that restrict the optimum solutions to their feasible domains. One distinctive feature of the proposed optimization model is that the order entries of a waste-distribution enterprise are controllable rather than open for its customers, and they should be subject to the logistics capacity of the enterprise. Such a treatment, in reality, reflects the distinction of a waste-distribution enterprise in terms of the operational conditions in comparison with traditional business operations facing open and demand-driven markets. In addition, interview surveys and real case studies are conducted to verify the applicability of the proposed method. Through several designed case studies, the numerical results have demonstrated the applicability of the proposed model. We expect that this study can stimulate more researchers devoting themselves to the field of reverse logistics as well as investigating feasible solutions to the complicated operating problems relevant to the treatment and distribution of hazardous wastes in Taiwan.


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