  • 期刊


Scoping of Social Impact Evaluation for Hillside Residential Development


在國內因經濟、環境及社會的影響下,導致開發山坡地做為住宅使用乃是一自然趨勢,但山坡地乃係一環境敏感地帶,開發前須進行環境評估,基於評估的範疇及衝擊範圍是決定環境影響評估成敗的關鍵點,乃引發本文探討的動機。本研究擬以(1)鄰近居民的評價與認知(2)社區內居民的活動型態二個角度探討山坡地社區開發後所帶來的社會層面衝擊,並以新店市的玫瑰中國城及北城大地(在此將其概稱為玫瑰社區)為例作實證研究,藉著本文所擬評估指標,採用社會調查法獲得資料,藉由地理資訊系統、次數分析及疊圖分析了解衝擊範圍,並據以推論。 其衝擊範圍所得結論如下:以新開發山坡地社區所屬地區的公共設施服務範圍為訪談的對象,而社經資料的收集範圍則是鄰近市鄉鎮都市位階相等或高於它的城市都市計畫範圍,若開發的山坡地社區鄰近都會區,則尚須包括鄰近都會區的中心都市。


It is a natural tendency that hillsides will be developed for residence and will impose on economic, environmental and social effects. But hillsides are environmentally sensitive areas, environment impact assessment (EIA) should be provided before the development permits are issued. The aim of this study wants to choose the assessment category and the impact areas. This research will be based on the neighboring residents' evaluation and the hillside residents' action-type to determine the social impact of the hillsides development. This study chooses the Rose-China community and the Northern-Town community for the case study. The methodology of the study includes social investigative method, geographic information system, frequence analysis and overlay method. The conclusions of impact areas are as follows: The determination of the service areas of the public facilities for the developed hillside-community is the main object of this study. Social-economic data must include those of the urban planning area which has an equal or a higher hierarchy. If the hillsides are close to the metropolitan areas, the impact areas must include the metropolitan center.
