  • 期刊


Urban Design in Regulating Land Use and Development


「都市設計」的領域對國內外而言,無論理論與實務界都仍在摸索之中,欲尋得一學術上的周延定義須長時間的沈澱,但釐清實務工作上所面對的問題卻刻不容緩。台灣雖然實施都市計劃法,基本上以分區管制的理念為基礎,但是由於受日據時代的規範方式之影響,許多對建築物及外在環境之管制卻仍在建築技術規則中訂定;目前又漸有參考英國式「許可制」之議。但分區管制系統本身在精神上與許可制有相異之處;台灣在八○年代開始推動都市設計工作,也因處於不同體制之間而造成執行上的誤解與偏差,更進一步遭遇分區管制、都市設計審議及建築管理之間權責釐清的課題而造成混亂與困擾。 都市設計工作之推動因不同的法令體制與行政組織而有不同的管制程序與工具。本研究試圖在都市計劃之許可制及分區管制系統下探討都市設計之理念與機制,並對其與建築管理之間的關係作初步的分析與檢討,釐清各自的程序與權責;對目前台灣的環境管理體制作一整合性的探討,冀能有助於尋得適當的規範架構,以發揮協調管制的作用。


The term ”Urban Design” has diverse and changing definitions. To develop a comprehensive academic definition requires considerable effort. However, in practice the challenge of urban design is concurrent and continuous. Land use and development regulations in Taiwan have a hybrid character. The current regulation system, which began with a building code from the Japanese colonial period and was influenced by the U.S. zoning system, has recently borrowed the British ”development permission” approach. Although official documents are based on the concept of zoning ordinance, their effectiveness is severely limited owing to the lack of a comprehensive regulatory structure and implementation tools. These deficiencies have created controversy regarding implementation mechanisms and damaged the physical environments in Taiwanese cities. Thus an urgent need exists for clarification of the scope and interface among land use planning, zoning ordinance, urban design and building code. This investigation reveals the conflicts among various land use and development control instruments in Taiwan. In particular, this study hopes to identify proper positions of planning regulations, urban design controls and building codes. Moreover, by integrating land use and development regulations in various countries, a comprehensive regulation system and development control mechanism can be established to address the special needs of Taiwanese cities.


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