  • 期刊


Urban Planning Institution Innovation Survey Based on Specific Purpose District of Industry and Living in Nangang District of Taipei




A feature of industrialization in Taiwan was the "living room is factory" economic policy of forming residential settlements in industrial areas that could not meet housing regulations and could not be used for housing after reconstruction. In the second overall review of Nangang District, the Taipei City Government tried to solve the problem of undevelopable old urban industrial areas by delineating the scope of a temporary reserved area (Specific Purpose District of Industry and Living) and formulating an urban renewal development model in combination with the urban plan to change the zoning. This research focuses on the Specific Purpose District of Industry and Living by conducting institution innovation experiments to try to solve the rigid problem of the changes to zoning and land use control by participating in the process on the ground. The effect of the Specific Purpose District of Industry and Living in creating an opportunity for the redevelopment of old urban industrial areas is considered, as well as other factors in urban redevelopment that cannot be solved by this system. Analytical results of this investigation indicate that the use of zoning changes in the urban renewal development model in conjunction with urban planning encourages people to participate in urban renewal in old industrial areas. However, the long-term reliance on the market-driven (private institution) model for the promotion of urban renewal leads to a lack of autonomy and trust in the willingness of integration. Therefore, this policy of institution innovation of urban planning can only solve regional special cases and cannot respond to the dearth of trust in promoting the universality of urban renewal.


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