  • 期刊


Evolution and Metagovernance of Urban Renewal in R.O.C.




Urban renewal in R.O.C. has undergone long-term development fitting with metagovernance, which includes the mixed governance of hierarchy, market, and network governance. This development also conforms to the paradigm shifts of public administration, namely traditional public administration, New Public Management and New Public Governance. The government was committed to public construction in the early era of urban renewal, but its urban renewal programs were inefficient. The government later promoted urban renewal with public-private partnerships, but did not fully assume a role of metagovernor. Therefore, private developers of urban renewal caused some negative impacts due to self-interest. Recent governments have started to manage governance of governance from the perspective of metagovernance, but their success remains to be seen. This evolution of urban renewal in Taiwan, refers to as "Taiwan's metagovernance of urban renewal" in this article, can be observed and explained through the theories of governance failure, governance shift, mixed governance and metagovernance.


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