  • 期刊


Egoistic or Altruistic? Integrating Brand Benefit Motivations and Pro-environmental Motivations to Investigate Behavioral Intention of Electric Scooter Use




The intensification of climate anomalies has led to rising public awareness of environmental protection. Accordingly, transportation service providers are increasingly promoting the positive environmental effects of their services. However, an individual using a transport product or service with pro-environmental results may be motivated not only by its pro-environmental benefits, but also by brand benefits which lead to pro-environmental behaviors. To explore in depth the psychological process of this phenomenon, this study adopts the "theory of planned behavior" as the theoretical framework to further integrate the determinants of behavioral intention in "pro-environmental motivations" and "brand benefit motivations". The electric scooter Gogoro, whose use behavior may be driven by both pro-environmental and brand benefit motivations, is utilized as the case to develop psychological construct measurement and conduct a questionnaire survey. The generation process of and motivations for behavioral intention of use are analyzed by structural equation modeling. Analytical results indicate that, in the pro-environmental motivations, although "environmental knowledge" significantly positively influenced "environmental attitude", the latter did not impact "behavioral intention"; in the brand benefit motivations, "brand knowledge" significantly positively influenced "brand attitude" which in turn enhanced "behavioral intention"; and in the pro-environmental and brand benefit motivations, two types of "subjective norms" did not affect "behavioral intention". Therefore, for promoting electric scooter use, the strategy of inducing brand benefit motivations of travelers would be more effective than resorting to pro-environmental motivations.


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